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Your Idea can become the future of india

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To turn your dream into reality, you can initiate at Thought Process Lab. You can submit your project proposal by clicking Apply Tab. Here you will be facilitated with

• Brainstorming for feasibility of idea
• Expert advice
• Sophisticated Instruments through Innovation Centre, Incubation Centre, University Labs & Libraries and Dedicated Collaborative Laboratories spread all over India
• Financial support through University provided Seed Money or to connect Government & CSR Grants
• Protection of your Intellectual Property
• Preservation of your Intellectual Property
• Licensing, Technology Transfer or Knowledge Transfer of your Intellectual Property
• Efforts to provide Global market to you and your idea.


Proposal : In (5634 / 17)
Your proposal will be supported and motivated by the experts for Strengthening of the project in terms of:
• Technology, innovation, timeliness and market potential
• Intellectual Property generation
• Financial/ Commercial Viability
• Convert it into Product/ Process
• Quick launch to market
You will be notified with comments once your proposal is approved or require modifications. After approval your project will be provided with Seed Money and infrastructural facilities of University. You will now be entitled as:

• Innovator/ Inventor and you can use University’s Innovation Centre equipped with sophisticated equipments
• Incubatee and you can use University’s Incubation centre facilitated with team of experts, internet connectivity, latest software and other facilities to bring your dream into reality.
• Scholar and you can use the facilities of University’s Directorate of Research & Development for your PhD, Post Doctorate and other research.
If your proposal required modifications, you may amend the same and resubmit afterwards.


Proposal : Green Room (5634)

JV Seed Money Desk
R&D projects that require sophisticated equipments will be permitted and facilitated to use the facilities of Innovation Centre along with Departmental Labs & Libraries, JV Data & Analysis Centre and Collaborative resources.
Proposal : R & D (0)

Innovation Centre

• The projects that are based on Local issues/ data
• Outcome will be for the benefit and social, economic, legal upliftment of Local Rural society will be displayed here.

Local - Rural

• The projects that are based on National/Global/ International issues will be displayed here.
• Outcome will be for the benefit of increment in their production, refined process, up gradation in technology, better marketing strategy etc
Global - National / International (0)
R&D projects that require more analytics will be permitted and facilitated to use Incubation Centre along with Departmental Labs & Libraries, JV Data & Analysis Centre and Collaborative resources for their project.
Proposal : R & D (480)

Incubation Centre

• The projects that are based on Local issues/ data
• Outcome will be for the benefit and social, economic, legal upliftment of Local Rural society will be displayed here.

Local - Rural

• The projects that are based on National/Global/ International issues will be displayed here.
• Outcome will be for the benefit of increment in their production, refined process, up gradation in technology, better marketing strategy etc
Global - National / International (478)
Projects that require human-power in form of PG/PhD Scholars will be routed through DRD to provide outcomes that will be supported for

• Community
• Industry
• Resources
• Integration & Correlation
Proposal : R & D (1)

Directorate of Research & Development

• The projects that are supporting to the up liftment and welfare of the Community will be displayed here.
• The outcome of the project will be specifically for the benefit of the community/society.
Community (0)

• The projects that are supporting to the solution of any problem or up gradation in product/ process of Industry it will be displayed here.
• The outcome of the project will be specifically for the benefit of the Industry.
Industry (1)

• The projects that will be useful for future research will be preserved here as resources for next level research.
• These projects could be helpful for the researchers to continue their work on them or get reference from it.
Resourse (0)

• The projects that are based on past research, traditions, customs, rituals, medical therapies, knowledge etc. and have correlation with them will be displayed here.
• The outcome of the project will be specifically Integrated and correlated with Ancient literature.
Outcomes For Integration & Correlation (0)

All the projects will be supported by University’s Departmental Labs & Libraries and JV Data & Analysis Centre so that projects can be completed on time and provide solutions to the taken problems.
Center of Excellence & Validation (481)

Departmental Labs & Libraries
JV Data & Analysis Centre

To protect the outcomes of the project JV Intellectual Property Right Chair provides support through its resources.
Outcomes : Protection - (5010)

JV Intellectual Property Right Chair
The outcome of the project that has to be file as patent are displayed here.
Patent Filled / Display Service (7)
JV Desk
The outcome of the project that has to be file as copyright are displayed here.
Copyright Filled / Display Service (0)
JV Desk
The outcome of the project that has to be file as Design/Prototype are displayed here.
Design/Prototype Registration (19)
JV Desk
The outcome of the project that has to be file as Research Publication are displayed here.
Research Publication Support (2924)
JV Desk
The outcomes of the project in the form of Book / Chapter / Magazine are published through Women University Press and displayed here.
Book/Chapter/Magazine Publication (2057)
Women University Press
The outcome of the project in the form of Articles/Thoughts/Stories are published at The Need खबर @ Virtual Base and displayed here.
Articles/Thoughts/Stories Publication (3)
The Need खबर @ Virtual Base
• We provide to safeguard and display the outcomes of the project through various audio, visual and e print modes.
• We offer various platforms like JV TV, JV Radio, JV Newspaper, University Research Resource Journal for the same.
Outcomes : Publication - (0)

Jv TV | JV Radio | JV Newspaper |
University Research Resource Journal
• We provide to preserve and display the outcomes of the project through online and offline modes.
• We offer platforms like JV Museum (Online/ F2F) for the same.
Outcomes : Preservation - (1)

JV Museum (Online / F 2 F)
• Our dedicated team is ready to support you in sharing your knowledge in the form of technology to the world.
• Through JV Technology Transfer Station the outcomes of your project could be licensed.
Outcomes : Licensing (0)

JV Technology Transfer Station
• Our dedicated team is ready to support you in sharing your knowledge to the world.
• Through JV Knowledge Transfer Station the outcomes of your project could be licensed.
Outcomes : Licensing - (0)

JV Knowledge Transfer Station

The projects that are helpful for Community/ industry will be preserved here under various categories as per the objectives they are catering.
Proposal : Outcomes (58)

Community / Industry
• The projects those outcomes directly benefitted to the community through deployment it are preserved and displayed here. For Ex. Establishment of Rural Bio Resource Center.
• The objectives of the project are:
o Creating and upgrading biotechnology infrastructure
o Creating quality infrastructure for research and commercial activities
o Creating a strong base in academics
o Creating most basic understanding about the sector
o Creating skilled Human resources for the sector
Direct Benefit to Community Through Deployment (0)
Rural Bio Resource Centre
• The projects those outcomes are exclusively supported to agriculture sector or require incubation growth place are preserved and displayed here. For Ex. Establishment of Technology Business Incubator.
• The objectives of the project are:
o To build database of innovations from different educational institutes and other section of society besides grassroots, students, farmers, pastoralists etc catering to agri and allied sectors.
o To identify those innovations which are amenable for scaling up, prototype development, diffusion with or without further value addition catering to agri and allied sectors. It does not undertake research activities per se but contributes to linking innovators with appropriate research institutions.
o To pursue on farm testing, trials diffusion of innovations, outstanding traditional knowledge, and climate resilience farmers' practices.
Agro Based Industries / Incubate Growth Place (0)
Technology Business Incubator
• The projects those outcomes are supported to promote any individual / MSMEs Ideas and validation are preserved and displayed here. For eg. Business Incubator Scheme
• The objectives of the project are:
o Creation of technology based new enterprises
o Creating value added jobs & services,
o Facilitating transfer of technology,
o Fostering the entrepreneurial spirit,
o Speedy commercialization of R&D output,
o Specialized services to existing SMEs.
Promote individual / MSMEs Ideas and validation (0)
Business Incubator
• The projects those outcomes support technology development/ Transfer and deployment for SC Community are preserved and displayed here. For eg. Science
• The objectives of the project are:
o To align with national priority double marginal farmer's income with same inputs
o Value added products using Agri residues and wastes increase income of households
o Hybrid livestock and crops increase yield and income
o Increased income and value-added food products address malnutrition, morbidity problems
o Usage of Agri residues and wastes lower greenhouse gases
Technology Development / Transfer and Deployment for SC Community (0)
Science Technology and Innovation Hub
• The projects those outcomes support Women Empower Technology Development Platform are preserved and displayed here. For eg Women Technology Park.
• The objectives of the project are:
o To create awareness among rural farming community
o To give trainings of proven technology to reap maximum benefits from their existing resources.
o To make them aware about “processing” that can enhance their income multiple times.
o To facilitate rural women in providing backward as well as forward linkages that ensure the marketability of their produces.
Women Empower Technology Development Platform (0)
Women's Technology Park
• The projects those outcomes support Research & Development of Rural Health like Modal Rural Health Research Unit are preserved and displayed here. For eg Modal Rural Health Research Unit.
• The objectives of the project are:
o Transfer of technology for early diagnosis and management of various diseases for the benefit of rural population.
Research & Development of Rural Health (0)
Modal Rural Health Research Unit
• The projects that outcome is a Startup are preserved and displayed here under JV Start Up Hub.
• These startups support all the students and staff of the University who wish to get experience of working for an startup under “Earn while Learn” and explore the entrepreneur in you.
Thought Development (0)
JV Start-Up Hub
The projects that outcome is a Patent/ Copyright are preserved and displayed here under JV Patent & Copyright Hub.
Recognition your Talent (8)
• The projects that provide solution to any societal problem related to Enhancement in education, legal status, agriculture, health etc. are preserved and displayed here as Community development projects.
• These projects can support the users for conduction of various activities and projects for the benefit of society.
Community Development (50)
JV Documents Rack
• The projects that provide solution to any industrial issue or support the up gradation in product/ process of Industry are preserved and displayed here.
• These projects can support the Entrepreneurs/ established industries/ future industries to get help on various industrial issues.
Industry Development Support (0)
JV Inventions Catalog
• The projects that provide coding for any issue or support the up gradation in earlier developed software program are preserved and displayed here.
• These software codes / programs can support the Entrepreneurs/ established industries/ future industries to get help on various issues.
Recognition your Talent in Coding (0)
JV Software Launch Pad

• The projects that are correlated with ancient knowledge, traditions, customs, therapies etc. are preserved and displayed here.
• These projects can support any of the similar projects for Every Integration & Correlation with Ancient Indian Literature
Proposal : Outcomes (84)

Integration & Correlation
The projects that results in correlation of ancient knowledge, traditions, customs, therapies with Scientific knowledge are preserved and displayed here
Traditional in Scientific Manner (1)
JV Screen
The projects that results in correlation of ancient knowledge, traditions, customs, therapies with Scientific knowledge are preserved and displayed here
Translation in Regional Language (0)
JV Meri Bhasha
The projects that results in addition, modification or extension to existing policies are preserved and displayed here as Policy Intervention document.
Policy Intervention (0)
JV Round Table
The projects that results in addition, modification or extension to Modern Inventions / Theories supported by Indian traditions are preserved and displayed here on JV Walls.
Modern Inventions / Theories Backbone Support from Indian Literature (79)
JV Walls
The projects that results in any thought, opinion or any idea are preserved and displayed here on JV Mirror.
Thoughts / Opinion - (4)
JV Mirror